December 11, 2013

And on the 13th Day of Christmas...Finally, Fabric!

Franny, Lou, and the orphan-kitty-who-we-found-last-week-and-who-appears-to-be-spending-the-holidays-with-us-and-might-even-end-up-living-here just asked us: 

So what's a giveaway without fabric?? They're right (as usual). So, here we are to announce the 13th day of our 12 Days of Giveaways.

Enter using Rafflecopter (below) by 11:59 AM Eastern time on Wed. Dec 18th for one of these prizes:

Moda Fabrics jelly roll of Sunnyside
photo courtesy of Missouri Star Quilt Co.
Or…for a peek into the distant Christmas future, you might win either a jelly roll or layer cake of Solstice…my next wintery collection for Moda to be released in 2014!
More photos of Solstice to come soon…i was just too excited when these precuts arrived yesterday and wanted to share them with YOU!

And as a last-minute shopping special, we're having a sale on all holiday aprons, dishtowels, and our felt table runner at Through this Sunday (Dec 15th), receive 20% off all. Use code joy20 at checkout.

Good luck on the giveaway!


  1. favorite thing! Thank you for the chance to win!

  2. 15. It was made of mauve and dusty blue scraps from my mom. It still lives at her house. That was the beginning of a very beautiful journey. Thanks for the chance at that beautiful fabric.

  3. I am 18, and made my first quilt this year! :)

  4. Yay for KS fabric!! Would love to win some. :-)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I was probably about thirty years old when I made my first "quilt" if you could call it that!

  7. Solstice looks great. Already planning a quilt for next Christmas.

  8. Love it! <3 and everything you do!

  9. I started my first quilt on Thanksgiving day, two years ago. I was 26.
    Thanks for the giveaway - such lovely fabric! And sorry for the deleted comment, I didn't see the question on Rafflecopter!

  10. I was 22 when I started it and finished!

  11. I was 6 or 7. With my grandma and mom's help.

  12. I was 20. I made a quilt for a coworker who got married.

  13. I was 17 when I made my first quilt and I can't even hardly stand to look at it! :) Thanks for the giveaway, I have a feeling I'll love solstice!

  14. Maybe 45. Or 50. But have sewn forever. I generally make something other than quilts with the precuts. Often quilted purses or tech cozies. Placemats. Mug rugs. (mmm, I guess a mug rug is really an itty bitty quilt!)

  15. OH, I'm so happy you have another Christmas scraps of your previous lines are running low!!!

  16. love that new Christmas fabric! I made my first quilt when I was 29.

  17. I was 50 years old when I made my first quilt. When our family moved to Singapore for two years, I took my sewing machine with an electric converter for their power source, bought a pattern of a sampler quilt and created my first quilt. I pieced it on the machine and hand quilted it. Many more have followed ..

  18. One can never have too much fabric. I love Sunnyside. Its' so cheery!

    1. Oh, and I was 17. I whacked a bunch of squares of my mom's stash. Maybe I should put squares in quotes because they weren't very square. It got me through college though.

  19. My first quilt was a rag quilt made when I was 27!

  20. oh my goodness!!! I can hardly wait for the next Christmas line!! You have outdone yourself! I was 24 when I made my first quilt.

  21. I was pregnant with my second baby so 27 I think ;) It was a mess of a quilt but she still loves it!

  22. I was 34 years old, Merry Christmas. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com

  23. Oh my goodness do I have to tell you!! I was 57!!! I bet I am the latest starter! Thanks for the giveaway.

    1. It's never too late to start something new! especially if it turns out you love it. the adventure of finding your heart's content is what makes life so colorful! way to go! xo

  24. I think I was about 20 when I made my first quilt. 25 years later, and I'm making more than ever! I have already made TWO quilts with Sunnyside, but a JR of Solstice would be amazing! I have yet to make a Christmas quilt!

  25. A friend got pregnant our senior year of high school and as a supportive friend I made a baby quilt. I didnt make another for almost 20 years.

  26. I think I was 30 when I made my first quilt. My sewing and quilting has been driven by beautiful fabric which is why you are my favorite designer. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us!

    1. Aw, thank you so much Sally. Your kind words mean the world to me! xo

  27. I don't know for sure but I think round about 15. Too long away to remember;-)

  28. 23! My Mother In Law took me to a beginners quilting class with her! A great way to kick off our new relationship :)

  29. I finished my first quilt last year at 57! It was a gift for my mother's 87th birthday! I love all of these fabrics! Especially the Solstice!!!

  30. I made my first quilt at 36 ... my first doll blanket at 5 yrs old :) Thank you so much for all the giveaways!

  31. Wonderful present for some lucky winner. Your fabrics are always fabulous. Merry Christmas!

  32. Oops! I need to read instructions before commenting! I was in my 20's when I attempted my first baby quilt for my newborn (inspired by my mother who loved to quilt). I was 50 when I actually caught the quilting bug and actually finished that quilt. Love it now.

  33. I didn't start quilting till a few years ago. I will now date myself because I was 30 or 31 when I made my first quilt. I took a class.

  34. Replies
    1. Thank you, Amanda! Hope all is well with your little angel :)

  35. 30, when my eldest was 6 or 7....but have been sewing since I was 6 or 7.

  36. I was 13. And my mom got frustrated cause i wouldn't start on a simple 9 patch like she thot i should. lol

  37. I was 26 when I made my first quilt. It's been a fantastic 10 years of quilting!

  38. Late 20's, when our first DS moved to a bigger bed. I think I chose the most difficult pattern out there, but I got it done! Thanks for the fun!

  39. 22 My mother taught me to make a patchwork quilts

  40. I finished my first quilt 2 years ago, so I was 33. I had started that one 2 years prior, but was scared of the quilting part. Until I actually did it. :)

  41. My first quilt if you can call it that was made when I was 20. It was a baby blanket and it's still around here somewhere.

  42. I was 25. One of my first quilts was made from Verna!

  43. Not sure if my first quilt was worthy of being called a quilt. I was about 18 and someone gave me a partially sewn quilt top and lots of unsewn squares. I very sloppily finished the top and I remember using an old blanket for batting and I can't remember what I used as a backing!

  44. I was 32 when I made my first quilt. I'm so glad I gave it away because I really really don't want to see all those mistakes on a regular basis!

  45. I made my first quilt at age 16. I really didn't know what I was doing!! I took old fabric from around the house then cut and filled tubes with batting and sewed them all The quilt lasted for a long time. It was over 30 years before I got really serious about quilting again. I adore making quilts and belong to The Boise Modern Quilt Guild. I turned 54 yesterday.

  46. I made my first quilt when I was around 22 or 23. It was a hand sewn doll quilt for my son's stuffed mouse.

  47. Made my first quilt at 63 for a great-grandson!

  48. Made my first quilt at age 21. Now it hangs on my living room wall.

  49. Started sewing at 10, made my first quilt at about 16 and still have it.

  50. I made my first quilt at 21 but my first quilt attempt I think I was 12 lol trying to make a mariners compass!

  51. I was 42 - Yikes! It ended up going to my brother-in-law.

  52. My first quilt is underway.. it's our wedding quilt, with notes and wishes from the guests

  53. Very, very old!! Just last year.

  54. I was probably about 26, many many years ago.

  55. I was 18. My mom and aunts quilted, and I wanted to, too. I got my first job the summer after high school graduation, and with my first pay check my mom took me to the local quilt shop to buy fabric for my first quilt. Haven't stopped since!

  56. I will be 41 as I plan to make my first one very soon. Thanks!

  57. I started sewing at 14 & haven't looked back. It's proven over the last 26 yrs to be a very useful talent. I'm a mum of 2 young girls & just started my 1st quilt (which l'm sure there will be many to follow)...

  58. I started making a doll quilt when I was 8 but never finished it. My first finish was last year at age 26.

  59. I finish my first quilt at 33 years .. I was along with children ... it was like a gift to stay normal ... to live ... to be happy ...

  60. I started my first quilt when I was 15 and finished it when I was 21, but it was entirely hand pieced.

  61. I started doing some basic sewing last year and this year I made my first quilt at age 48. I suppose I am a bit of a late starter!

  62. i was 31... :) It's hard to believe that was only four years ago. Seems a lot longer!

  63. I made my first quilt when I was 40 although I've been sewing since I was a child.

  64. I was about 12 when I started my first quilt! but I was about 25 before it was finished. The pieces of it were at my moms house and one Christmas she had someone finish it and quilt it for me. It was pretty neat to see it all done finally!

  65. I think I was 20. It was a Christmas gift for my mom while I was in college. I think the top pieces were a gift one year, and the finished quilt was a gift the next!

  66. I think I was in my early thirties--a pattern I saw in Better Homes & Gardens. Something Amish looking and I still have it--in tatters & all.

  67. I was about thirty when I made my first quilt, but I didn't make a second one until I was around 50.

  68. I was 31 when I made my first quilt, although I've sewn all my life

  69. I was 7! I still have it, wonky, mismatched, and kind of adorably pathetic.

  70. You are my favorite fabric designer! Thank you for a FABULOUS giveaway!! :D

  71. 37. Made my first quilt this year! :)

  72. I made my first quilt 4 years ago, when I was 27. It was a Christmas gift for my brother :D

  73. I made my first quilt when I was 20

  74. 26 or so? I was about to finish my PhD and my hubby was living in another city! I started sewing to have a nice hobby when alone...

  75. Oh, I made my fist one (by hand!) when I was 27. In memory of a family member that had just passed away.

  76. Oooh, this is great! Sunnyside has been on my wishlist for a while!

  77. I was 36. It was a mini quilt for my Mom made with a lot of her fabric scraps.

  78. I made my first quilt with a cheater fabric of gingham squares in Home Ec when I was 15. That was a looooong time ago.

  79. I made little crocheted ones with my Grandma when I was six or seven. The one I really made as a quilt was for my high school boyfriend when I was 17. Hmmm, wonder if he still has it? LOL

  80. I was younger--and a helper with my grandmother who LOVES mixing colors. I remember helping match colors for pinwheels and then sitting at her quilting frame and stabbing the quilting needle up and down. Grandma later gave me that quilt when I was in my 20s. I still have it!

  81. I was 17 when I made my first quilt...crazy to think how long ago that was!!

  82. Sunnyside is my absolute favorite line!! I also need to make a Christmas quilt so this is perfect!! monica21stl at live dot com

  83. I was 50 when I made my first quilt! Hadn't really thought about my age and my first quilt. Thanks for the brain nudge:) Merry Christmas! Solistice looks awesome!

  84. too old....ok I was 47. :) I started some in my 20s that were quilt as you go, but never finished them

  85. I love your Christmas fabrics! I've got some strips of "12 Days of Christmas" on my ironing board and a box full of "In From the Cold" on my cutting table. I'll be working with them after Christmas and I'm looking forward to it!

    1. I didn't answer the question! I think I was in my early 40's when I made my first quilt, though I've been sewing since I was a child.

  86. I was about 35 when I made my first quilt, but have bee sewing since I was about 10 years old. Thanks for the chance to win. Sunnyside and Solstice are gorgeous!!!

  87. Just last month I finished my FQS BOM with your wonderful 12 Days of Christmas! Maybe if I win Solstice I'll have it finished in less than 3 years!

  88. I think I was about 14 when I made my first quilt: a nine patch made from lots of old clothing. Thanks for the wonderful giveaway! I love your fabric!

  89. I think I was 31 - a baby quilt for my niece!

  90. That was 2.5 years ago. So I guess I was 35. :)

  91. Let's see - about 5 years ago, so 35!!

  92. Ohhhhhhhh boy!!! A new Christmas line!!! I can't wait to see it, seriously!

  93. I am loving Solstice! What an awesome giveaway! Merry Christmas Kate!

  94. I was probably around 29 when I made my first quilt.

  95. I pieced my first quilt when I was 17 or 18. It was squares cut from my mom's sewing scraps. I tried to learn hand piecing when I was in my early 20's, but had too many other distractions to stick with it. Fast forward about 25 years and I decided I wanted to learn how to make a quilt. I've made a few baby quilts, several of table runners, wall hangings and lots of UFOs since then!

  96. I was about 18…..but it was not like the quilts I make today! Great giveaways Kate! xxx

  97. I was 25 and pregnant with my first child when I made my first quilt. Love this fabric! Thanks for the chance to win ;)

  98. I was a late bloomer I guess. I was 52 yrs old.

  99. I was 23!! Thanks for the chance!!! I love all your fabric ;-)

  100. Only 18 or 19, I don't know what made me do it, I cringe at it now but my children love it!

  101. My very first was made when I was about 16. Simple squares and tied!

  102. I sewed my first quilt when I was 27:) Wish it had been sooner!

  103. I have some of Sunnyside (a Layer cake I believe) and it's awesome! Solstice looks yummy, can't wait to see more!

  104. I was 27 when I made my first quilt.

  105. It wasn't too long ago actually. I was 28. Thanks for the lovely giveaway!

  106. HI, I was about 10 years old,I think! It was a little scrappy baby doll quilt about 12x18 I'd guess for the doll when she was lying in the buggy>LOL! Thanks for you lovely fabric designs>so love your choices! Thanks for a fun Giveaway too!

  107. I learnt to make quilt top in 1996 in a class, so I turned 30. The top didn't become a quilt for 4 years as the class finished without doing this is how you make a quilt sandwich.

  108. I made my first quilt that summer. I'm 31 :)
    And I love the range of colors in your collections.

  109. I was twenty four and pregnant with my son when I discovered quilting :)

  110. And what lovely fabric it is too! Thanks for a fun 13 day giveaway. I taught myself to quilt when I was 23 and pregnant with my first baby. Merry Christmas.

  111. I was 28. Loved it then and love it now.

  112. I made doll quilts for my daughters when I was in my 30's but didn't make my first quilt until I was 50 and an empty nester.

  113. I was 52! Not all that long ago. I love fabric, haven't accumulated much yet. Thanks for the chance to win some gorfeous fabric.

  114. I was probably in my late 20's and my first quilt was a mini quilt. Everything cut with scissors. I didn't make a real quilt until my early 40's.

  115. I just started sewing last year and made my first quilt this year-I'm 52.

  116. I was 31 when I made my first quilt. A year and a half later... I'm obsessed and just finished my 25th! (

  117. I was 27 (and still am!)


  118. 49 - does it count if the quilt is not finished yet? I'm aiming to sleep under it on my 50th birthday (in 11 months)!

  119. Six year ago I made my first quilt,was a lap and I`m very proud and till them still enjoying all about quilting and meet new quilters.
    Your new fabrics are fabulous.Merry Christmas!

  120. I'm actually in the process of making my first quilt. I used Good Fortune charm squares, by the way! Your fabrics were the ones that gave me the inspiration to give it a go!

  121. It wasn't too many years ago. Last year I made one using your Central Park line of fabric. It's beautiful!!

  122. I was in my twenties when I made my first quilt. A friend introduced me to quilting and I fell in love.

  123. I've tried to comment twice before, and I think I keep clicking the wrong thing, so if this is the 3rd post, I'm sorry. My Great-Grandma Irene taught me to quilt when I was 10, and we made a one-block quilt together. I made my first solo quilt when I was 16 or so.

  124. I made my first one this year, at 28! I much younger when I "started" one though haha! But I started getting to the point I could finish them this year :)

    Jo --

  125. I was 22 when i started quilting. I made a little wall hanging for my mom.

  126. I love Solstice already! Finishing up a quilt with In from the cold and Flurry. Can't wait to use it.

  127. I attempted a quilted pillow cover when I was in Jr High but never finished it. My first completed quilt was when I was 53.

  128. I started my first quilt when my second baby was born, so I was in my early 30's.

  129. I was 36 - my current age... Thanks for a chance to win some fabulous fabric! :)

  130. These are beautiful fabrics.

  131. 35 -- thanks for the chance to win!

  132. I was 20 :) Thanks for the chance!!

  133. I've been quilting for 30 years... so I made my first quilt in the womb. After all, I just turned 29. ;)

    Okay. I was 22 or 23. Something like that... my memory isn't what it used to be.

  134. I think I was probably 10 or 11 when I made a doll quilt. My first full size quilts were when I was in my early 20's.

  135. Just got my Sunnyside...can hardly wait to cut into it. Looks like Solstice is going to be a lovely collection too!!!

  136. I was 41... I'm not counting my first attempt as a teen that my Mom finished for me which was a log cabin cut from tissue paper patterns with a sewing shear. Nightmare!!

  137. Even though I've sewn for most of my life I think I was around 30 the first time I made a quilt.

  138. I was 30 and haven't stopped yet (12 years later). Love the sneak peek of Solstice. I predict another winter winner!!!!

  139. It was made of corduroy, I was 28!

  140. I was 31, can't believe that was 3 years ago. Merry Christmas! This might be a duplicate comment but I didn't follow directions and couldn't find it. Can't wait for Solstice, I'm making a "In From the Cold" quilt for my mother in law for Christmas, I hope I can get it done in time! :)

  141. Don't remember! We'll, I may a little but is it bad that I don't want to say how long ago it was...?? Hahaha, this is a great giveaway. Thanks!
    Callmekarenwv at yahoo dot com

  142. I was 29 when I finished my first quilt. It's a year later and I'm on my third!

  143. I was in my thirties when I made my first quilt.

  144. I was 24 when I made my first quilt -- and was immediately hooked! Thanks for the giveaway!

  145. I made my first quilt, a rail fence, when I was a junior in high school and *just* finished piecing the top of my SECOND quilt TODAY!

  146. I made my first quilt about 23 years ago when my youngest daughter was born and I was 39. Have loved quilting and fabric since then!

  147. I was 62 when I made my first quilt yau

  148. I love it! I was 35 when I made my first quilt (last year!)

  149. My hubby got me a sewing machine for my 31st bday (three years ago), so I was 31!

  150. I took my first quilt class, I was 47. WOW!

  151. I was a late bloomer...58 years of age. Today, I picked up my Christmas throw that was dropped off in June to be quilted. So fun to see the reds, greens, etc.made with your "Joy" collection scraps/leftovers.

  152. I think about 32 but didn't finish it and then again at 40 and Ive made 5 or 6 now, successfully :-) Happy Holidays!

  153. Probably somewhere in my 30's - but that one would have been tied, so not technically a quilt. My first real quilt was four years ago, when I was 52! I've made a few more since then….. ;-)

    1. By the way, Solstice looks like it is going to be gorgeous (duh of course!) - can't wait to see it in all its glory!! Thanks for the chance at such a wonderful giveaway!!! (And I love what you've called your little visitor!)

  154. I made my first quilt when I was 24!

  155. I think it was probably 29. My mom tried to get me into it when I was younger, but I was a poor student for a really long time. Once I became a worker bee with an income and free time - there was no stopping me! Thanks for the giveaway. Happy holidays!

  156. Maybe 45 or 46? I can'r remember exactly. My first quilt top is still unquilted.

  157. I was 38 because I have only been quilting for a couple of years!

  158. This year! So I am 36. Found a cuzco jelly roll and haven't looked back!

    1. It's Annelies by the way - Google blog is not letting me log in for some reason.

  159. I was 52 when I made my first quilt

  160. I was 25 years old when I made my first quilt.

  161. I started it when I was 9. Finished much, much later.

  162. I was 41 when I made my first quilt ... a blue/white 9 patch variation that I still love!

  163. Since the comments are speaking of quilts, I made a thickly padded one for my sweetie during the months before our wedding when we were separated. Celebrating 40 this week and the rather shreddy quilt is still his favorite and sitting now in our living room where it is in use. Kate, I love your color combos.

  164. I was 25 when i made my frist quilt lol no my best work hank god for my moms help

  165. I was 20 years old when I made my first quilt!

  166. I was 44 when I made my first quilt. It was a 4 block sampler that was hand pieced and quilted. When my grandson was a baby 21 years ago, he loved to carry it around.

  167. I was 29 when I started my first one. I actually spent most of my 30th birthday piecing the top. The best way to spend any day!

  168. I think I was 26 years old when I made an entire quilt on my own.

  169. I was 32 when I made my 1st quilt, from my 1st daughters infant and baby clothes, some burgundy and midnight blue velvet too.

  170. I made my first quilt earlier this year, at the age of 40! =D

  171. Probably 29 or 30, just a mini and it was kind of a disaster lol!

  172. I started my first quilt at 15. Didn't finish my first quilt until I was 24. I still have that first quilt somewhere. I'll have to dig it out and work on it someday.

  173. I was probably around 19 or 20 when I made my first one - there was an earlier attempt (poly-cotton fabric urgh!) but the first finished one I made when I was at university.

  174. I actually don't remember, as it was pretty early! My mother and grandmother loved quilting so I just kind of slipped into it. I remember it being a particular haven for me when I was 12 and having a rough few months. Have a pretty crazy quilt from that time! Thanks for this and all the other fun giveaways!!

  175. I was 30. I took my first quilting class and finished Queen size log cabin quilt. I've been bitten by the quilting big since��


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