Is it really Friday already? Is it really the last day of April? Sheesh, this week/month has totally flown by!
I saw this video recently and after i stopped laughing, it got me thinking. Some of you might want to wait to eat the marshmallow, so i really don't want to be a spoiler by showing you too many peeks of Fandango. With quilt market just around the corner, i'd like to leave an element of surprise for you to discover on your own. For those of you who want to pop the marshmallow into your mouth right now, i'm sorry. But here's a little something to tide you over:
I saw this video recently and after i stopped laughing, it got me thinking. Some of you might want to wait to eat the marshmallow, so i really don't want to be a spoiler by showing you too many peeks of Fandango. With quilt market just around the corner, i'd like to leave an element of surprise for you to discover on your own. For those of you who want to pop the marshmallow into your mouth right now, i'm sorry. But here's a little something to tide you over:

But there's a silver lining...
Maybe some of you don't even like marshmallows and no matter how many were piled up in front of you, you wouldn't want to eat them anyway. So i want to be sure to include you in a giveaway too! Fair is fair, right? This is a one-time, one-chance to win a set of either the Sorrento or Loire plates i designed for Crate and Barrel.
Ok, what do you have to do to enter? Well, first...over on the left sidebar you'll see both sets of plates listed under "Where to Find Products". Go check them out and come back here and tell me which ones you'd like. For whichever group, please pick either the set of 4 (which has one of each color) or all of one color. In other words, no mixie matchies, please.
Then...since it's almost picnic time, and these plates will be ready to pile high with yumminess, please send me a recipe for one of your favorite picnic dishes, sides, desserts, whatever! It can be in the form of a link to a blog or site with the recipe (so you don't have to write it out), or you can email it to me at kate(at) Just please note the recipe name in your comment so i know which recipe is yours.
Finally, and only if you want to...let me know if you'd eat the marshmallow now, or wait?
You have plenty of time. I'll use that handy random number generator to pick the lucky winner next Friday May 7th. Can you believe it will be May 7th already?! Good luck!