Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I don't know about you, but I can't possibly eat one. more. bite. of. turkey. So let's move along to...Christmas stuff and other miscellaneous morsels!
First off, Cardstore.com has created a new product. It's a stylish boxed stationery set with 12 custom notecards. You can choose from over 50 designs, then personalize them using a font/color of your choice. They're reasonably priced and make nice gifts for family, friends, co-workers, or you! And...three of my cards that are included in the mix use one of the patterns from Verna (top row first three cards)! Cardstore is also offering free shipping and 10% off every order. Enter discount code: WINTERSALE at checkout (you can still enter code: MERRY15 to receive 15% off your order, but for this one, you'll have to pick up the tab for shipping).
Nextly, Vickie of Spun Sugar Quilts posted a picture on her blog of a cute fabric wreath she made using Verna. I love it! She followed this Moda Bake Shop tutorialthat Rachel of p.s. i quilt put together. Thanks for the post, Vickie!
Nextly nextly, umm...anyone notice anything familiar in this photo? One hint: It's red and has a scalloped edge.Definitely an upgrade for my pincushion. And what could all those pins be doing in there? I wonder...
Lastly (for now) I've been so interested to read all of your helpful tips/pointers for the giveaway! I'll surely put them to good use and thank you so much for helping me start off on the right foot (couldn't resist a little sewing humor). What's been really great is to see that there are a bunch of other new quilters who have also been able to benefit from the many helpful tips. Nice to know we're in the same boat! So, if you haven't already left a comment here to enter the giveaway, please do. The drawing will be this Thursday and the winner will be posted on Friday.Can't wait!
It seems it's always at this time of year when my thoughts start to sift through the many happenings of the year with quiet reflection on all that I've moved through, successes and challenges alike. The perspective I get from this helps me to see how much I've grown but with a deeper understanding of what is possible (with lots of hard work, determination..oh, and pizza).Though I try to keep gratitude in the forefront of each day (sometimes easier than others), it's often around Thanksgiving that I really stop to focus on the many things I have to be thankful for — too many to list!
So, in the spirit of thanks and giving, I thought I'd giveaway a Verna designer bundle (a layer cake that's been rolled and tied). Since I'm a beginner quilter, I'm hoping to learn from all you experts out there! So please leave me a comment with a helpful pointer/tip that you might pass on to someone who is new to quilting. Please make sure not to repeat tips (yes, I need as many as I can get!). Your name will be entered in a random drawing to be held on Thursday December 3rd. The winner will be announced on Friday the 4th. Good luck!
As you may know, I'm admittedly not (yet) a quilter, but something strange is happening. Early this summer I was walking through Borders bookstore and spotted a cute little cake slice pincushion on the front of Quilts and More, so I bought the magazine.
Then, I went to a local fabric store and found myself looking for fusible interfacing...something I've definitely never done before. I left the store not only with the interfacing, but also with fabric, thread and ribbon. What's crazier is that the pincushion needed to be filled with crushed walnut shells so I went on a wild goose chase trying to find them and somehow ended up in the reptile aisle at Petco. Who knew reptiles liked crushed walnut shells (I happen to like walnuts, not reptiles). On top of all this, I actually made this pincushion!
(Please don't cringe too much at the construction, ok, all you expert crafter people out there? I was so happy that it was a triangle and will hold pins no matter what.) So now all I can think about is that red, scalloped cake plate PamKitty, Camilleand Debra have been talking about on Twitter. Ya, I know, what is happening to me?! It all starts with a pincushion...what's next? Actual pins?
Speaking of other sweet things, the Fat Quarter Shop was so nice to interview me recently and I'm thrilled to be featured on their blog, the Jolly Jabber.
In case you're looking for a holiday card that will coordinate with those fantastic "Poinsettia Party" paper plates you just bought at Target (heehee)...look no further! Many of my new holiday cards have recently been released on Cardstore.com. If you're not familiar with them, they're an online store where you can personalize greeting cards by adding your own text and photos. You can pick your own font, change the text color and size, and even make a color photo into sepia or black and white. Here are a few examples (click on cards to find them on Cardstore):
I order from Cardstore all the time — not just because I'm one of their artists, but because the printing quality is really nice and they use 100% post-consumer waste (PCW) paper by Mohawk. And, as if it couldn't get any better, there are no minimums on your order so you can buy just one card (or 100) and have them mailed directly to you or your recipients at the regular postage price. You can even pick your own stamp! I also like that everything is printed in the U.S. in FSC certified facilities. So if you do decide to order your holiday cards or invitations from Cardstore, please use the coupon code MERRY15 when you checkout to receive a 15% discount on your order!
Yummm! These scrumptious Moda Bake Shop Limited Edition Samplers are ready to buy! (Kimberly, I hope it's ok that I borrowed this photo from your site...couldn't resist!) The Samplers feature 12 packs of forty 2 1/2" charm squares from twelve of the new spring Moda 2010 collections (including Verna, yay!). This is a great way to preview the collections before they're in stores, and a fun giftable item for your quilt-crazy friends (and you, too). Also included in the box are charm pack projects and a history of charm quilts. The Samplers are available at the Fat Quarter Shop, but supplies are limited so be sure to grab yours today! (Why am I suddenly having flashbacks to Sample Spree?)
I've been tap tapping my fingers, pacing, and calling our local Target store for about a month trying to find out when the trucks would be pulling in to unload all the holiday products. Of course no one could tell me anything except that I'd have to wait until after Halloween. WAIT. Yes, for times like this, patience is hugely overrated. Nevertheless, I waited.
And then...this morning...I got an email from a friend who told me she saw my paper tableware designs at her local Target over the weekend. I barely finished reading her note, then bolted out of my chair, hopped in the car and peeled down the driveway. Here they are! They can be found in the "Cards and Party" section near all the birthday stuff...where I must have spent about an hour staring at them and taking pictures. I never thought I'd be so excited by a paper plate before.Don't you need some for your Holiday party??Answer: YES!
Poinsettia Party
In the display (but don't look at any of the others)