Hi everyone! I've been busily getting ready for Quilt Market and wanted to share some photos of my new fabric collection, Paradiso, with you. It will be shipping to stores in March 2015. If you're a shop owner and will be in Houston, please come by the Moda booth #1744 to say hello and to see the collection in person. I'd love to share it with you!
The colors range from hibiscus pinks and coral to lagoon blues and aqua. New for me is a darker charcoal grey (almost but not quite black) that i really love! Here are a couple more photos:

The other wonderful thing is that this line will coordinate beautifully with Horizon to create a perfect tropical paradise. Can't wait to see what you dream up. Actually...now that i'm thinking about it...how about we have a fun giveaway! Just leave a caption for the photo of Franny below and she will pick a winner on October 14th. We'll help her send a layer cake of Horizon annnnd a charm pack of Paradiso off to the lucky winner!
Have a beautiful weekend!
Touch my quilts, I dare you.
ReplyDeleteYou made this pile of quilts just for me, right? RIGHT?
ReplyDeleteDon't even think of touching these!
ReplyDeletethis is the one I want, but leave the rest, they make for nice padding
ReplyDeleteNO - it's MINE!
ReplyDeleteAren't my quilts are just purr-fect !?!
ReplyDeleteThe Princess and the Pea!
ReplyDeleteWhat do ya mean move? See, my feet are clean.
ReplyDelete"Look deep into my eyes, you are getting sleepy, you are now under my spell. Back slowly away from these quilts now, they are ALL MINE!!!" :)
ReplyDelete'what.....you mean you're going off to quilt market without me? Really?? I was looking forward to curling up and taking a nap on all of those gorgeous quilts that will be at quilt market.'
ReplyDeleteI can see her saying.... "Can I HELP YOU!" Uggghhhhh. She seems busy and slightly annoyed.
ReplyDelete"Just try me."
ReplyDeleteWinter is coming.....
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean "these are not mine" ? Whom else would you make them for ?
ReplyDelete"Can't a woman ever bathe in peace?!! Every time I try to have a few minutes of me time, someone needs something,!" Thank you Kate and Franny for the chance to win some beautiful fabric. Take care and God bless, Cory
ReplyDelete"What's a cat gotta do to get some privacy around here?!"
ReplyDeletelol, my cat always pauses mid-groom when he senses us staring at him and then he just glares at us like this. :)
Can't I have even a little bit of privacy?
ReplyDeleteYou want me to do what?
'Okay, I'll show you one last time my favorite cat-yoga position ... now it's your turn.'
ReplyDelete“I will applaud your discretion when you leave.”
ReplyDeleteJust had to find an appropriate Downton Abbey quote ;)
"Who's the wise guy who put a pea under my quilts??? Now I can't reach the my toes!"
ReplyDeleteExcuse me !!! I am kind of busy here !
ReplyDelete"Uh, the answer is No!"
"You want me to do what????"
ReplyDelete"But if I get up I'll lose my seat and this is so comfortable"
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, you're interrupting my yoga.
ReplyDelete"I zee paradise on zee horizon! Oh no iz just a squirrel..."
ReplyDeleteVery funny! Like this one.
DeleteThere is a boulder under these quilts. I can't sleep with it there. The princess demands it.
ReplyDelete"Put the camera down, back away slowly, and nobody will get hurt."
ReplyDeletesaid in a very deep, sultry voice, "Looook into my eyes....."
ReplyDeleteYou have made Franny angry. You do NOT want to make Franny angry.
ReplyDelete"Whatdaya mean, of course these quilts are for ME!"
ReplyDeleteQueen of the Quilt!!!!
ReplyDelete"Did I do thaaaaat??" in a Steve Urkel voice :)
ReplyDeleteYou told me to break them in!!
ReplyDeleteI challenge you to a staring contest -- bet you'll blink first!
ReplyDeleteBack away from the quilts and nobody gets hurt!
ReplyDeleteWhat?? I'm taking a bath on this nice pile of quilts in the sun. Can't a girl have a little time to herself?
ReplyDeleteI am the PRINCESS! I am checking to see if a pea is under my bedding.
ReplyDeletePam J - rogerpamjolly@yahoo.com
Don't even think about taking one of my quilts! Great photo!! Thanks for the fun!
ReplyDelete"I just love a good stack of quilts." Love the new collection, Paradiso.
ReplyDelete"Unless you want to add another quilt to the pile, I suggest you back off."
ReplyDeleteParadiso is beautiful, but March is so far away, sigh!
"Ok Mom, we need to have a serious talk. While my pile of quilts is adequately snuggly, I can always use one more. Perhaps in Paradiso?"
ReplyDeleteSuch a cute kitty and fun way to have a giveaway! Thanks for the chance.
Seriously? Can't I primp in peace so I can recline And sun elegantly on my quilt divan?
ReplyDeleteThese are mine, all mine! Aren't they just purrrrrfect! ��
ReplyDeleteThe Princess and the Pea: I can still feel a lump.
ReplyDelete"Human... don't even think about it"
ReplyDeleteI'm a princess…there's a pea under here.
ReplyDeleteWhat are you looking at ???
ReplyDeleteWhat? Me..move? I just got comfortable.
ReplyDelete"Back away from the quilts and no one gets hurt!" Great job Kate! Can't wait to get my hands on some Paradiso!
ReplyDelete"May I pleeeease have some privacy here?!"
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteAlertness level increased... prepare to flee!
ReplyDeleteMy quilts and I would like a little privacy please!
ReplyDeleteI actually sewing a quilt for me exclusive(!) with "Day Dream", wow !!! Your fabric makes me happy.
ReplyDeleteStep. Away. From. The. Quilts
ReplyDeleteWhat? You made this for me, right?
ReplyDeleteStep away from the quilt.... it's MINE now!
ReplyDeleteYou want me to dress up like what for Halloween???
ReplyDeleteEnough with the fabric. It is dinner time already.
ReplyDeleteMake me more quilts already. This isn't enough.
ReplyDeleteYou put that pea under my mattresses again, didn't you?
ReplyDeleteNot on my watch, you don't!
ReplyDeleteOh was this the quilt you said to stay off!? Oh well I guess it's mine now.
ReplyDeleteThat sure was some awesome catnip. Now I need a nap, man.
ReplyDeleteI claim this stack of quilts. Now let me get back to grooming myself.
ReplyDeleteI don't care if you want to take a nap, they are MY quilts!
ReplyDelete"I love my quilt throne,"
ReplyDelete"This is my spot and I'm staying!" Love Paraiso! I absolutely love your Horizon collection. I've been saving up so I can purchase the Fat Quarter bundle. I guess I'll have to save up for Paraiso too! Keep the beautiful fabrics coming :)
ReplyDeleteI know they are quilts and I am supposed to love them, but I really don't feel that comfortable up here!
ReplyDeleteThere's a pea where? Under the quilt? Phew, I thought you said something different...
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for the chance of winning a bit of paradise.
I love you, but certainly dear, you KNOW this is my nap time!
ReplyDeleteGet away from the quilts....they are MINE
ReplyDeleteCome on Mom! A gal needs her privacy when she is cleaning up and getting ready to snuggle in for a long nap!
ReplyDeleteExcuse me but I could use a little privacy. Thank you for the chance to win these gorgeous fabric. A layer cake of Horizon and a charm pack from your new collection of such gorgeous colors. A Quilter can't go wrong with these giveaways.
ReplyDeleteSandi Timmons
You want me to do what.?!?!?! Thank you for the opportunity to actually hold your new line.
ReplyDeleteExcuse me ?!? These are MY quilts ! Back off !
ReplyDelete"You better go see my mommy in Houston or else...." Ok, Franny, I'll go see her and the beautiful new line (I can't wait!)
ReplyDeleteWould someone tell Lou to stay off of my fabric!
ReplyDelete"I advise you to not distrub me at this time! I will be in a better mood AFTER my nap!" Great fabric and great giveaway. Thank you.
ReplyDelete"Whoa! Look at that new fabric."
ReplyDeleteIf you're taking the quilts, pack me too! Please. I hate it when you leave me! I can protect them, and show people how comfy they are while you're talking to other people. Come on! We'd be a great team. Take me too!
ReplyDelete"You can't separate a cat and her quilts!"
ReplyDeleteYoda Cat "there is no try, only quilt"
ReplyDeleteStep away from the quilt and no one gets hurt.
ReplyDeleteI'm the princess and I feel that PEA!
ReplyDeleteThis looks like a great place for my cat nap today, love that sunshine too.
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean these are Lou's quilts? I was here first!
"Just back away now and no one gets hurt!!"
ReplyDeleteI dare you!!
ReplyDelete"I don't always preen in the sun, but when I do, it is on a stack of beautiful quilts!"
ReplyDeleteDidn't you hear me? What part of NO don't you understand? I am NOT moving!!
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely feeling that pea.
ReplyDeleteMY quilt and don't you forget it!
ReplyDeleteMi manta. Mi tesoro. (My quilt. My treasure)
ReplyDeleteUh, you don't see me, of course I'm not sitting on your quilts.
ReplyDelete"Three for me. None for you!"
ReplyDeleteGrumpy cat gets all the attention but can she quilt like me?
ReplyDeleteThese were made for me!
ReplyDeleteYes, they are all mine! All of them!
ReplyDeleteExcuse me, I told you not to bother me while I'm bathing!
ReplyDeleteI would love to win, thanks
ReplyDeleteI was just enjoying the sun, watching that other cat outside. Do you have a treat for me?
ReplyDeletejlblvn at gmail dot com
Guard these quilts I must. Furry Jedi Quilt Master I am.
ReplyDeleteI really need to work on my splits - right leg forward is fine but, as you can see, left leg forward is somewhat of a disaster. I'm never going to make the Olympics at this rate...
ReplyDeleteWhat???!!!! You're leaving me again to go to Houston??? NOOOOOOO!!!
ReplyDelete"How many times do I have to tell you?....do not disturb me during nap time....sheesh"
ReplyDeleteThese quilts are purrfect!!!! Thanks for the chance to win. Love the horizon fabric and can't wait to see the new line. Shawn
ReplyDeleteFranny says: Are you kidding me?? You want me to get down??
ReplyDelete"What do you mean these aren't MY quilts?"
ReplyDeleteInnocent until proven quilty
ReplyDeleteWhat? You want me to move?
ReplyDeleteBack away slowly and no one will get hurt...
ReplyDeleteMy quilt!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you mean"your fabric?"
ReplyDelete"This looks like a great place to nap until my next meal..."
ReplyDeleteWhat yah looking at?? Haven't you ever seen a cat getting a tan before?
ReplyDeletePUUUR.....fect day!! sittin in the sun on my tropical quilt paradise
ReplyDeleteClearly this quilt did not have enough fur yet. =^_^=
ReplyDeleteFrom my comfortable quilt bed waiting to
You woke me up for WHAT? Really? So you can pack up my comfy quilt tower and take it away? Uh uh...you're not taking these quilts away from me!
Who me? Im not doing anything wrong!
ReplyDeleteEXCUSE ME? Can I help you?
ReplyDeleteWhere is the new quilt you promised me?
ReplyDeleteQueen on the Mountain
ReplyDeleteYou are taking my picture NOW! I'm in the middle of something.
sheesh - do you have to take so many cat-on-a-quilt photos?!
ReplyDeleteWhat do you think you're doing? Taking pictures, making quilts... Don't you know your job is to feed me?!
ReplyDeletejen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
'Did you need something?'. I have a fabric, quilt loving feline also and he gives me the weirdest looks it i reach to touch any fabric he happens to be laying on at that moment.
"What do you mean you're taking these quilts to Quilt Market? I thought they were mine, all mine!"
ReplyDelete"What can I say? It's a rough job, but somebody's gotta do it."
ReplyDelete"See I am keeping clean, so you can keep making quilts for me"
ReplyDeleteGet otta da way, I can't see da tv!
ReplyDeleteYou wouldn't take these quilts just when I've made myself nice a cosy here - would ya?
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
Oh no, I do NOT plan on moving off these so you can bring them to QuiltMarket! Oh no, nope nope nope.
ReplyDeleteMove me? Move ME?? Go ahead, make my day! Well, are ya feeling lucky punk, well are ya??
ReplyDeleteWhen I'm done with you, you can go and get my lunch!!!
Purrrrrrfect Stitching! ;)
ReplyDeleteQuilts are better than Catnip. sarah@forrussia.org
ReplyDeletemmmmine..step away from my quilts.
ReplyDeleteyour cat is so cute! i just love her!
ReplyDeletei just think you cat is so cute! love her!